I need a package repository for my companies Python packages. I've setup a AWS CodeArtifact repository and managed to publish&install my packages.
To enable pip to use this repository, AWS recommends one of the following:
aws codeartifact login --tool pip | twine --domain my-domain --domain-owner domain-owner-id --repository my-repo
This works because I've configured my AWS client with my credentials. I'd much rather though, install like this: They should be able to easily install these packages, e.g. through
pip install --extra-index-url https://repository-name.d.codeartifact.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/pypi/repository/ package_name
For two reasons, I want this to work without credentials:
- I don't want everyone within my organisation to go through installing the AWS client.
- A third-party system I'm hosting doesn't allow me to install the AWS client - it does allow me to provide an alternative index or to specify a requirements.txt where I could add additional indices as well.
Hence my question: How do I make access to a AWS CodeArtifact repository public / public in VPC (virtual private cloud), without need of credentials?
Both the users (through VPN) and the 3rd party application are already configured to be within the same VPC.