I am generating some classes with JDT. Afterwards I would like to format the whole ICompilationUnit, just as if I pressed Ctrl+Shift+F (Source > Format) in an open Editor without a selection.
Any pointers for the API in JDT to format the source code programmatically is highly appreciated.
Addition: I tried it like this, but the code isn't changed. What am I mssing?
private void formatUnitSourceCode(ICompilationUnit targetUnit, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
CodeFormatter formatter = ToolFactory.createCodeFormatter(null);
TextEdit formatEdit = formatter.format(CodeFormatter.K_COMPILATION_UNIT, targetUnit.getSource(), 0, targetUnit.getSource().length(), 0, null);
targetUnit.applyTextEdit(formatEdit, monitor);
is now deprecated. Something likeSubMonitor.convert(monitor)
should be used instead. – Othaothe