As stated in the topic, I want to have a conditioned subset of an internal table inside another internal table.
Let us first look, what it may look like the old fashioned way.
DATA: lt_hugeresult TYPE tty_mytype,
lt_reducedresult TYPE tty_mytype.
SELECT "whatever" FROM "wherever"
WHERE "any_wherecondition".
IF sy-subrc = 0.
lt_reducedresult[] = lt_hugeresult[].
DELETE lt_reducedresult WHERE col1 EQ 'a value'
AND col2 NE 'another value'
AND col3 EQ 'third value'.
We all may know this.
Now I was reading about the table reducing stuff, which is introduced with abap 7.40, appearently SP8.
Table Comprehensions – Building Tables Functionally
VALUE tabletype( FOR line IN tab WHERE ( … )
( … line-… … line-… … ) )
For each selected line in the source table(s), construct a line in the result table. Generalization of value constructor from static to dynamic number of lines.
I was experimenting with that, but the results seem not really to fit, perhaps I am doing it wrong, or I might even need the condition-driven approach.
So, how would it look like, if I want to write the above statement with table comprehension techniques ?
Until now I have this, delivering not that, what I need, and I have seen, that it seems, as if the "not equal" is not possible...
DATA(reduced) = VALUE tty_mytype( FOR checkline IN lt_hugeresult
WHERE ( col1 = 'a value' )
( col2 = 'another value' )
( col3 = space )
Anyone having some hints ?
EDIT: Seems still not to work. Here is, as I do it:
Executable line:
Debugger results:
Wrong Reduced:
And what now ???
) asBAPI2045D4
structure is used only in couple of QM BAPIs (in single parameters) and behavior of these parameters is not well documented. – UrbanusMARA
. – Urbanus