is normally used with a cross join
and will expand the array into relation (i.e. for every element of array an row will be introduced). To calculate average you will need to group values back:
-- sample data
WITH dataset (id, arr) AS (
VALUES (1, array[1,2,3]),
(2, array[4,5,6])
select id, avg(n)
from dataset
cross join unnest (arr) t(n)
group by id
But you also can use array functions. Depended on presto version either array_average
select id, array_average(n)
from dataset
Or for older versions more cumbersome approach with manual aggregation via reduce
select id, reduce(arr, 0.0, (s, x) -> s + x, s -> s) / cardinality(arr)
from dataset
do? It looks like it's referencing the table, t, and creating some index variable? – Leningrad