I've created a jar file through spring roo (maven project - persistence archive) unit tests are running fine, the concerned files are on the following location
Unit tests are running fine.
Because its a maven project I added it to local repository by executing the command "mvn install" and after that I added it as a dependency to another maven based web-application.
I am running the web application using mvn jetty:run command. the concerned files in web application are.
The Problem * Its loading the webapp/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml but how can I verify its loading the child jarFile/META-INF/applicationContext.xml or not? actually when i try to access the service class methods from persistence archive the entityManager is NULL. * If i try to put contextConfigLocation directive (tried various options) within web.xml, Its not even loading the webapp/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml.
What I want Use the service methods (which uses entitymanager) from persistence archive from within my web application.
Thanks in advance.