I'm trying to bind a checkbox with a bit column in a SQL Server linked table.
I had an error about the type at first, then I went in my linked table in access and changed the display control of the column to checkbox instead of textbox.
Now I have a write conflict error when I save the record.
I tried the solution about adding a timestamps in the table but I got the same problem
Is it possible without VBA?
Thank you
The code of my save button
Private Sub btnSave_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnSave_Click
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnSave_Click
End Sub
I don't think there's anything wrong there. I got the error only when there's a checkbox bound to a bit column
I tried to bound a textbox to the same column. The value is false by default and I don't have the error if I don't change is value.
but when the form is dirty, even if I change the value of an another control, I got the error.
I don't understand. It's like if Access doesn't understand that there's only one user when there's a control bound to a bit column.
The last time I had this problem, I gave up and I change the type for a small int but I'm curious. Is there a way to make it worth with a Bit. all I want is a Boolean.
Form View
. It's a checkbox in a form – Troostite