My webapp needs to encrypt its session data. What I setup is:
require 'openssl'
require 'myapp/encryptor'
MyApp::Encryptor.config[ :random_key ] = OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes( 128 )
require 'attr_encrypted'
class Session < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :session_id, :data
attr_encryptor :data, :key => proc { MyApp::Encryptor.config[ :random_key ] }, :marshal => true
# Rest of model stuff
That all works great, and keeps the session data secured. Here's the problem: when I run my custom rake tasks it loads the initializer and clears all the sessions. Not good!
What can I put in my initializer to make sure it ONLY runs for the webapp initialization? Or, what can I put in my initializer to make it NOT run for rake tasks?
Update: OK, what I've done for the moment is add MYAPP_IN_RAKE = true unless defined? MYAPP_IN_RAKE
to my .rake file. And then in my initializer I do:
unless defined?( MYAPP_IN_RAKE ) && MYAPP_IN_RAKE
# Web only initialization
Seems to work. But I'm open to other suggestions.
preload_app = true
the initialization only happens in the master. So unicorn can respawn workers without causing a re-initialization. – Prudy