I'm using the angular-oauth2-oidc library in combination with the Implicit Flow (with an IdentityServer4 server). I've successfully set up the Silent Refresh suggestion from the docs.
Here's how I bootstrap things in a wrapper service:
private userSubject = new Subject<User>();
constructor(private config: ConfigService, private oAuthService: OAuthService)
{ }
// Called on app load:
configure(): void {
const config: AuthConfig = {
issuer: this.config.getIdentityUrl(),
logoutUrl: this.config.getIdentityUrl() + '/connect/endsession',
redirectUri: window.location.origin + '/',
silentRefreshRedirectUri: window.location.origin + '/silent-refresh.html',
clientId: 'my_client_id',
scope: 'openid profile my_api',
sessionChecksEnabled: true,
this.oAuthService.tokenValidationHandler = new JwksValidationHandler();
.then((_) => this.loadUserProfile());
private loadUserProfile() {
.then((userProfile) => {
const user = new User(userProfile['name']);
However, if I open the application in a new tab, the user also gets redirected to the IdentityServer (and immediately back to my app).
My question: can I get the library to retrieve existing access token (and optionally user info) from other tabs of the same origin, to prevent the redirects? (Preferred because it doesn't require Ajax calls.)
Alternatively, is there an easy way to try and use the Silent Refresh mechanism before we'd send someone to the IdentityServer?