Can someone explain why NamedTuple
s and immutable struct
s are separate instead of NamedTuple
s being an anonymous struct
like there are anonymous functions function (x) x^2 end
? They look like they have the same structure conceptually (I would also like to know if they have a different memory layout), though they have different methods to access their fields (example below). It seems very plausible to implement the NamedTuple
methods for struct
s, but I may just not be aware of a good reason not to do that.
struct X; a; b; c; end
Xnt = NamedTuple{(:a,:b,:c), Tuple{Any, Any, Any}}
t1 = (10, 20.2, 30im)
# t1[1] indexing by position
# t1[1:2] slicing
# for el in t1 iteration
x1 = X(t1...)
# x1.a getting field
xnt1 = Xnt(t1)
# xnt1.a getting field
# xnt1[:a] indexing by field
# xnt1[1] indexing by position
# for el in t1 iteration
, becomes a distinguishing parameter. Then we can consider a concrete NamedTuple type as equivalent to a struct withnothing
for a name. – Hu