I'm working through Michael Hartl's Rails tutorial which is excellent so far. I'm on the Advanced Setup Chapter, where he goes through configuring the Rails environment in a way conducive to TDD. I installed Guard, and it runs properly all the way through running the tests I have in my spec/ folder. But then, it spits out this error:
C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/listen-1.0.2/lib/listen/adapter.rb:195:in `require': cannot load such file -- wdm (LoadError)
I have wdm installed. I don't know why it can't load it.
It seems like Listen is having problems loading up WDM. It quits after it says "Guard is now watching..."
I haven't reproduced the rest of the stack trace for obvious reasons. I installed Rails using the latest Rails Installer. What's going on here? Do I need to worry about this? It appears to work at least partially...