I'm trying to implement a SAML SSO solution in .Net, but I'm having a problem parsing the assertion.
I have a sample assertion (looks like byte[]
data as text) and corresponding .p7b
I want to load the keys from the .p7b
and decrypt the assertion to an XML document.
So far I think I'm reading the keys correctly:
// get the key data
byte[] certificateData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("myKeys.p7b");
// decode the keys
var cms = new SignedCms(SubjectIdentifierType.IssuerAndSerialNumber);
var samlCertificates = cms.Certificates;
Then I try to parse the assertion I get a problem:
// we have a keychain of X509Certificate2s, we need a collection of tokens
var certificatesAsTokens =
from X509Certificate2 cert in samlCertificates
select new X509SecurityToken(cert) as SecurityToken;
// get a token resolver
var tokens = new ReadOnlyCollection<SecurityToken>(
var resolver = SecurityTokenResolver.CreateDefaultSecurityTokenResolver(
tokens, true);
// get the SAML data in an XML reader
var reader = XmlReader.Create(assertionPostStream);
// use the WS Security stuff to parse the reader
var securityToken = WSSecurityTokenSerializer.
DefaultInstance.ReadToken(reader, resolver) as SamlSecurityToken;
That last statement throws an exception, stating that it can't parse the XML content.
I think this means that I'm missing a step decrypting the assertion - getting the byte[]
as text converted to a SAML format XML document.
Anyone know how to add this step? Am I missing something else?