I need to set mail Body in MFMailComposeViewController to separate some text in number of lines. I am using the following line of code but it isn't working.
[mail setMessageBody:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hi I am Interested to buy a vehicle for me Name :%@ %@ \n Contact No. : %@ \n Email : %@\n",txtFirst.text, txtLast.text, txtContact.text, txtEmail.text ] isHTML:YES];
also i tried this
[mail setMessageBody:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hi I am Interested to buy a vehicle for me Name :%@ %@ </br> Contact No. : %@ </br> Email : %@</br>",txtFirst.text, txtLast.text, txtContact.text, txtEmail.text ] isHTML:YES];
is there any solution to do it.