I am using pdfkit (which uses wkhtmltopdf under the hood) to generate PDFs in my rails app. Following the guide here i've gotten it mostly working for basic cases of PDFs. I am now running into an issue when attempting to generate a PDF with lots of pages thats also has headers/footers. The error I see from wkhtmltopdf in console when attempting to generate the PDF is:
QEventDispatcherUNIXPrivate(): Unable to create thread pipe: Too many open files
QEventDispatcherUNIXPrivate(): Can not continue without a thread pipe
A minimal example of the html which can be used to recreate the error:
<!-- content of pdf_header_url is the character "h" -->
<meta content="<%= pdf_header_url %>" name="pdfkit-header-html"/>
<!-- content of pdf_footer_url is the character "f" -->
<meta content="<%= pdf_footer_url %>" name="pdfkit-footer_html"/>
<% [*1..3].each do |j|%>
<h1><%= j %></h1>
<% [*1..1000].each do |i|%>
<li><%= i %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Note that removing the of headers/footers tags allows the pdf to render fine.
The actual ruby code to generate the PDF is:
def view_report
html = render_to_string(:template => 'pdf/pdf_body.html', :layout => false)
kit = PDFKit.new(html)
pdf = kit.to_pdf
send_data pdf, :type => 'application/pdf', :disposition => 'inline', :filename => 'foo.pdf'
Visiting this controllers route will generate the PDF. And then lastly, I also have a controller for the header/footer, since those "partials" need to be fetchable via url:
class PdfController < ApplicationController
def header
render :layout => false
def footer
render :layout => false
The values of pdf_header_url and pdf_footer_url are literally just "h" and "f" for the sake of a minimal reproducible example.
Does anyone familiar with wkhtmltopdf have any recommendations on furthur debug steps to take to get around this issue?
. I want to try to reproduce this. – Antimere