I have two select boxes :
- Fruit select
- FruitQuantity select
Depending on what option is selected in Fruit will affect the options of FruitQuantity.
So using select2, I wanted to replace all the options in a select simply by doing this.
var options = [];
$.each(pageData.products[selectedFruit].quantities, function (key, value) {
text: value.quantity,
id: value.quantity,
$quantitySelect.select2( { data : options });
The problem is that select2 is just appending the new data on to what exists already. I want it to clean out all the options and add the new ones.
Otherwise my select box is filling up with incorrect options.
I tried this from this question Clear dropdown using jQuery Select2
$quantitySelect.select2('data', null)
This does nothing though, it doesn't clear it.
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