I have a problem with the modal-presentation of react-navigation v6 to present a modal with ScrollView inside of it. Actually if I enable gesture to swipe down the modal, it doesn't work if there is a ScrollView inside and I can swipe down only on the header.
I need that when reaching the ScrollView's top, must start dismiss animation gesture. This is the expected behavior:
This is the code used inside the RootNavigation:
<RootStack.Group screenOptions={{ presentation: 'modal', cardOverlayEnabled: true, ...TransitionPresets.ModalPresentationIOS }}>
This is render of ModalPage.js
<ScrollView nestedScrollEnabled>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
<Text>TEST TEXT</Text>
PS: I'm using expo