We are working on a build once, conditionally deploy, style pipeline. In other words we have a pipeline that has the following make up, for instance:
- Source action - S3SourceAction
- Build & Test action - CodeBuildAction
- Deploy to Dev action - CloudFormationCreateUpdateStackAction
- Deploy to QA action - CloudFormationCreateUpdateStackAction
- Post-Deploy Action - CodeBuildAction
We have multiple repositories that flow through this pipeline. Say for instance I want to:
- SKIP the "Deploy to QA" action based on an Environment Variable, but still continue to the "Post-Deploy" action.
- STOP completely, after the Deploy to Dev action but not FAIL the build.
Are either of these possible with CodePipeline / CodeBuild?
A -> B, C, D -> E -> F
(whereB, C, D
are ran in parallel) and I would like to skipC
in some cases. I could just run a Lambda at actionA
to define which downstream actions should run and which should be skipped. Did you make it work? – Decorum