I would like to model the following situation using a UML deployment diagram.
A small command and control machine instance is spawned on an Infrastructure as a Service cloud platform such as Amazon EC2. This instance is in turn responsible for spawning additional instances and providing them with a control script NumberCruncher.py
either via something like S3 or directly as a start up script parameter if the program is small enough to fit into that field. My attempt to model the situation using UML deployment diagrams under the working assumption that a Machine Instance is a Node is unsatisfying for the following reasons.
- The diagram seems to suggest that there will be exactly three number cruncher nodes. Is it possible to illustrate a multiplicity of Nodes in a deployment diagram like one would illustrate a multiplicity of object instances using a multi-object. If this is not possible for Nodes then this seems to be a Long Standing Issue
- Is there anyway to show the equivalent of deployment regions / data-centres in the deployment diagram?
What about Platform as a Service? The whole Machine Instance is a Node idea completely breaks down at that point. What on earth do you do in that case? Treat the entire PaaS provider as a single node and forget about the details?