I am currently facing a wall in the localization process of a website. Using i18next, all of our routes are translated and default language has the locale path removed from the URL.
In other words:
/accueil -> /en/home
/produits -> /en/products
and so on...
My issue is when I change the language, the url does not follow (which is to be expected, since i18next doesn't talk directly to react-router).
i18next configuration:
whitelist: ['fr', 'en'],
fallbackLng: 'fr',
defaultNS: 'common',
detection: {
lookupFromPathIndex: 0,
checkWhitelist: true
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false
resources: {
en: {
routes: enRoutes,
fr: {
routes: frRoutes,
"home": "/accueil",
"products": "/produits",
"home": "/en/home",
"products": "en/products",
Router portion in app.jsx:
<Router forceRefresh>
<Route path={`/:locale(en|fr)?${t('routes:home')}`} component={HomeComponent} />
<Route path={`/:locale(en|fr)?${t('routes:products')}`} component={ProductsComponent} />
With the following configuration, pages render without issue and easily translate when i18n.changeLanguage is called, but the url doesn't change with it. I've searched everywhere and can't seem to find a go-to approach to translate the url once the language is changed.
I also want to handle a case where the user would change the locale manually directly in the browser url field.
I have tried updating the url on 'languageChanged' event in i18next, but finding the key to the page currently being since adds a lot of complications.
Thx in advance for any help provided.
tags? Their paths need to change too? Are you making sure they are changing as well? – Nola