So... I have been trying to get this working for several weeks now. I can install MinGW through the .exe, but no-matter what I do I can't seem to get make support or ppm install MinGW to work in such a way that my compilation of Tk-804.029 will correctly use the 'make' command.
(Installing a Perl Module:
- perl MakeFile.PL - Works fine
- make or dmake - I can't get MinGW to properly associate Make or DMake (Can't find the correct .exe in the MinGW/bin directory either... I've tried using the -32bit mingw32-make.exe but that brings up errors to do with the compiled header files.
ppm install MinGW also doesn't work, seems to think it can't find the package. So I am at a loss. System is running Windows 7 on a x64 setup.
ppm install
approach, you may be behind a proxy. If that's the case you need to set the proxy first. How? See this SO answer. – Sober