Ignoring all the other issues like memory transfer, etc.
I'm looking for some measure of the "cost", which I guess I would quantify as the expected number of bit flips, for multiplying two random floating point (say 32-bit) numbers, vs the cost for adding.
I guess there may be some important issues (like whether the numbers have the same exponent, etc) that may be worth considering.
Edit: To clarify, I'm interested in the amount of energy required to perform these operations, rather than the time or amount of hardware, which is why I think "expected number of bit flips" is the quantity of interest. I think this is a well-defined question, and there is certainly some "expected number of bit flips" required by a given algorithm to perform floating point multiplication... And I'm looking for the minimum over all algorithms.
Edit 2: Thanks all for responding. The most relevant response I got was from njuffa, who referenced Mark Horowitz's estimates (see page 33). A more up-to-date paper by Horowitz posts slightly different numbers, that is:
Float32 Mult: 3.7pJ.
Float32 Add: 0.9pJ
Int32 Mult: 3.1pJ
Int32 Add: 0.1pJ