I'm trying to create a custom component in react-leaflet v2
extending a leaflet plugin EdgeMarker. The documentation does not really give details on how to do this. So I have copied the Leaflet.EdgeMarker.js
file from the repo and added it to my implementation.
This is what I have done so far:
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { MapLayer, withLeaflet } from 'react-leaflet';
import L from 'leaflet';
import '../EdgeMarker/EdgeMarker';
class EdgeMarkerComp extends MapLayer{
static childContextTypes = {
layerContainer: PropTypes.object
getChildContext () {
return {
layerContainer: this.leafletElement
createLeafletElement(props) {
const { options } = props;
console.log("Options: ", options);
return new L.EdgeMarker(options);
export default withLeaflet(EdgeMarkerComp);
On my map:
const options = {
icon: L.icon({ // style markers
iconUrl: 'images/edge-arrow-marker-black.png',
clickable: true,
iconSize: [48, 48],
iconAnchor: [24, 24]
rotateIcons: true,
layerGroup: null
<Map ...>
<EdgeMarkerComp options={options} />
Any help???