First of all, this does NOT improve the security of your application (assuming it is a web app).
Use SSL (Or actually TLS, which is commonly called SSL). It is free and easy to set up with Certbot.
The why to this is simple. TLS solves a problem (when used with a certificate from a certificate authority, not self signed) that is quite big in cryptography: How do I know the server I am talking to is the server I think I am talking to? TLS Certificates are a way of saying: "Me, the certificate authority, trusted by your browser, certifies that the website at [url] has this public key, with a corresponding private key, which (private key) only the server knows, look I signed my signature all over the document, if anyone altered it you can see".
Without TLS, any encryption becomes pointless, because if I sit next to you in a coffeeshop, I can make your laptop/smartphone think I am the server and MiTM (Man in The Middle) you. With TLS, your laptop/smartphone will scream "UNTRUSTED CONNECTION", because I don't have a certificate authority signed certificate that matches your site. (Encryption vs. Authentication).
Disclaimer: users tend to click right through these warnings: "Untrusted connection? What? I just want my pictures of kittens! Add Exception Click Confirm Click YAY! Kittens!"
However, if you really do not want to use a certificate, still DO implement client side Javascript hashing (and use the Stanford library (SJCL) for that, NEVER IMPLEMENT CRYPTO YOURSELF).
Why? Password reuse! I can steal your session cookie (which allows me to pretend to your server that I am you) without HTTPS easily (see Firesheep). However if you add Javascript to your login page which, before sending, hashes your password (use SHA256, or even better, use SHA256, send them a public key you generated and then encrypt hashed the password with that, you cannot use a salt with this), and then sends the hashed/encrypted password to the server. REHASH the hash on your server with a salt and compare that to what is stored in your database (store the password like this:
(save the salt as plaintext in the database as well)). And send your password like this:
and check your password like this:
if SHA256(RSA_With_Private_Key(SHA256(sent_password))+salt_for_username) == stored_pass: login = ok
Because, IF someone is sniffing your client, they will be able to login as your client (session hijacking) but they will NEVER see the plaintext password (unless they alter your Javascript. However, a Starbucks hacker will probably not know how or be interested in this.) So they will gain access to your webapp, but not to their email/Facebook/etc. (for which your users will likely use the same password). (The email address will either be their login name or will be found in their profile/settings on your web app).