The idea of localization is to translate information text, input labels, and all the static texts so users from any part of the world can understand. In my opinion, we should not translate the input provided by the user.
You can try out here:
Add the input field like below. Even Google will not translate the input provided by the user.
<input type="text" value="HELLO" />
I have a system where I have applied localization. Users from Germany, Netherlands, India, and USA are using the website. We have translated only static text that helps users in understanding the information or labels of input.
Regarding user input, users can provide input in their preferred language. You can store them in the Database as it is using Unicode. So when you will fetch the data it will be the same. But the idea of translating user input is not good.
Let me know if this helps or do you still want to translate then I can provide you a function which will do the translation?
does not translate for us (IMO) it actually retrieve values from the already set object based on defined locale. But if you can use google translate to first get your desired language string and set the value in i18n translation repo , than help – Schramke