I solved it! This is the solution for undirected graphs, adding direction is easy afterwards.
In each vertex I keep a special adjacency list. It is a list (double linked, for easy insertion/deletion) whose elements are "slots":
class Slot {
Slot prev, next; // pointers to the other slots in the list
Slot other_end; // the other end of the edge: not a vertex, but a Slot!
Vertex other_vertex; // the actual vertex at the other end
void kill() {
if (next!=null) next.kill(); // recursion
void pop_out() {
if (next!=null) next.prev = prev;
if (prev!=null) prev.next = next;
else other_end.other_vertex.slot_list = next; // in case this slot is the
// first in its list, I need
// to adjust the vertex's
// slot_list pointer.
// other_end.other_vertex is actually the vertex to which this slot belongs;
// but this slot doesn't know it, so I have to go around like this.
So basically each edge is represented by two slots, cross-pointing one to each other. And each vertex has a list of such slots.
When a vertex is killed, it sends recursively a "kill" signal up its slot list. Each slot responds by destroying its other_end (which graciously pops out from the neighbor's list, mending the prev/next pointers behind).
This way a vertex plus all its edges are deleted without any searching. The price I have to pay is memory: instead of 3 pointers (prev, next and vertex for a regular double linked adjacency list), I have to keep 4 pointers (prev, next, vertex and other_end).
This is the basic idea. For directed graphs, I only have to distinguish somehow between IN slots and OUT slots. Probably by dividing each vertex's adjacency list in two separate lists: IN_slot_list and OUT_slot_list.