I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how the new CBVs work. My question is this, I need to require login in all the views, and in some of them, specific permissions. In function-based views I do that with @permission_required() and the login_required attribute in the view, but I don't know how to do this on the new views. Is there some section in the django docs explaining this? I didn't found anything. What is wrong in my code?
I tried to use the @method_decorator but it replies "TypeError at /spaces/prueba/ _wrapped_view() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)"
Here is the code (GPL):
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required
class ViewSpaceIndex(DetailView):
Show the index page of a space. Get various extra contexts to get the
information for that space.
The get_object method searches in the user 'spaces' field if the current
space is allowed, if not, he is redirected to a 'nor allowed' page.
context_object_name = 'get_place'
template_name = 'spaces/space_index.html'
def get_object(self):
space_name = self.kwargs['space_name']
for i in self.request.user.profile.spaces.all():
if i.url == space_name:
return get_object_or_404(Space, url = space_name)
self.template_name = 'not_allowed.html'
return get_object_or_404(Space, url = space_name)
# Get extra context data
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(ViewSpaceIndex, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
place = get_object_or_404(Space, url=self.kwargs['space_name'])
context['entities'] = Entity.objects.filter(space=place.id)
context['documents'] = Document.objects.filter(space=place.id)
context['proposals'] = Proposal.objects.filter(space=place.id).order_by('-pub_date')
context['publication'] = Post.objects.filter(post_space=place.id).order_by('-post_pubdate')
return context