As far as I understand, GET has to be idempotent - it cannot change anything in the system and repeating it should always return the same unless something else changed the state of the application.
Problem is, on my website, there should be a lot of little changes based on whether some content has been already seen before by the user. I mean, like notifications, new message alerts, content sorting based on whether user saw it or not, how many users saw the content counters... For example when user clicks on notification, the notification should disappear from his notification panel and never be seen there again, so it changes something - state of the notification, but I can press F5 as many times as I want and it always returns the same page with same info, same buttons etc.
Can I ignore this kind of side-effect as too small and I can use GET or do I have to make most links and buttons on the website use POST like I do with links and buttons which lead to more "serious" changes? I do that by making forms around each of them with those links as form actions and original buttons as submit buttons of the form which seems a little messy to me and I don't want it almost everywhere (or is there a better way?).