I need to show the layered navigation filters on the Magento advanced search results page, just like it does on the catalogsearch results page.
I have already moved the XML block as needed into catalogsearch_advanced_result:
<reference name="left">
<block type="catalogsearch/layer" name="catalogsearch.leftnav" template="catalog/layer/view.phtml"/>
The block is called, but nothing shows up. I have traced through the core files and found that in Catalog/Block/Layer/View.php this function doesn't return any attributes (line 161):
protected function _getFilterableAttributes()
$attributes = $this->getData('_filterable_attributes');
if (is_null($attributes)) {
$attributes = $this->getLayer()->getFilterableAttributes();
$this->setData('_filterable_attributes', $attributes);
return $attributes;
I traced getFilterableAttributes() into the Catalog/Model/Layer.php file, but from this point it becomes difficult to work out where the difference between catalogsearch and advanced search is.
I basically just want to get this working in any way possible. Any help or guidance would be much appreciated!
My product attributes are set up correctly as below:
(and not justis_filterable
) ? – Deannedeans