In R Shiny is there a way to have a button that says "add field" that, when clicked, will add another text input box? I would want to take this code:
titlePanel("Resume Text Analysis"),
sidebarLayout(position = "right",
mainPanel(h2("Qualified Applicants"), dataTableOutput("table")),
textInput("filepath", label = h4("Paste the file path for the folder of '.txt' files you would like included in the analysis.")),
helpText("Choose up to 10 words that a qualified applicant should have in their resume. These can be skills, programming languages, certifications, etc."),
textInput("word1", label = h3("Term 1"),
value = ""),
textInput("word2", label = h3("Term 2"),
value = ""),
textInput("word3", label = h3("Term 3"),
value = ""),
textInput("word4", label = h3("Term 4"),
value = ""),
textInput("word5", label = h3("Term 5"),
value = ""),
textInput("word6", label = h3("Term 6"),
value = ""),
textInput("word7", label = h3("Term 7"),
value = ""),
textInput("word8", label = h3("Term 8"),
value = ""),
textInput("word9", label = h3("Term 9"),
value = ""),
textInput("word10", label = h3("Term 10"),
value = ""),
helpText("A qualified applicant will have a resume with at least ___ of the terms above."),
label = h3("Number of terms required:"),
min = 1, max = 9, value = 1),
and reduce it to :
titlePanel("Resume Text Analysis"),
sidebarLayout(position = "right",
mainPanel(h2("Qualified Applicants"), dataTableOutput("table")),
textInput("filepath", label = h4("Paste the file path for the folder of '.txt' files you would like included in the analysis.")),
helpText("Choose up to 10 words that a qualified applicant should have in their resume. These can be skills, programming languages, certifications, etc."),
textInput("word1", label = h3("Term 1"),
value = ""),
helpText("A qualified applicant will have a resume with at least ___ of the terms above."),
label = h3("Number of terms required:"),
min = 1, max = 9, value = 1),
with an option to add as many fields as the user would like as far as terms.
Also, how would we recode the server so that when a new field is added in the ui it automatically goes into the code as well? (ex. adds a new input$wordx into list):
function(input, output) {
if(is.null(input$filepath) || nchar(input$filepath) == 0) return(NULL)
if(!dir.exists(input$filepath)) return(NULL)
output$table <- renderDataTable({
cname <- file.path(input$filepath)
docs <- Corpus(DirSource(cname))
toSpace <- content_transformer(function(x, pattern) gsub(pattern, " ", x))
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "/|@|\\|")
docs <- tm_map(docs, content_transformer(tolower))
docs <- tm_map(docs, removePunctuation)
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeWords, stopwords ("english"))
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeNumbers)
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(docs)
d <- c(input$word1, input$word2, input$word3, input$word4, input$word5, input$word6, input$word7, input$word8, input$word9, input$word10)
list<-DocumentTermMatrix(docs,list(dictionary = d))
res<-,lapply(names(relist),function(n){ ifelse(relist[n] > 0, 1,0)}))
totals <- rowSums(res, na.rm=TRUE)
wordtotals=cbind(docname, totals)
num = input$morethan
df <- data.frame("document"=docname, "total"=totals)
output$table <- renderDataTable({
df[df$total >= as.numeric(num), ]
and in the server use input that matches the names of the added elemnts. – Foyer