I have tried the above google colab to train a object detection model with 1 class as shown in the example.
I am trying to understand how to modify this code to be able to train 2 classes.
In the above example, after I annotate the image with boxes, it runs the following code to create the category_index
and image/box tensors. Suppose I modify the num_classes = 2
and add another class to the category_index
, then how to proceed from here? For example - I believe the one-hot encoding is for 1-class only. How to modify the code to make it work with 2 classes?
# By convention, our non-background classes start counting at 1. Given
# that we will be predicting just one class, we will therefore assign it a
# `class id` of 1.
duck_class_id = 1
num_classes = 1
category_index = {duck_class_id: {'id': duck_class_id, 'name': 'rubber_ducky'}}
# Convert class labels to one-hot; convert everything to tensors.
# The `label_id_offset` here shifts all classes by a certain number of indices;
# we do this here so that the model receives one-hot labels where non-background
# classes start counting at the zeroth index. This is ordinarily just handled
# automatically in our training binaries, but we need to reproduce it here.
label_id_offset = 1
train_image_tensors = []
gt_classes_one_hot_tensors = []
gt_box_tensors = []
for (train_image_np, gt_box_np) in zip(
train_images_np, gt_boxes):
train_image_np, dtype=tf.float32), axis=0))
gt_box_tensors.append(tf.convert_to_tensor(gt_box_np, dtype=tf.float32))
zero_indexed_groundtruth_classes = tf.convert_to_tensor(
np.ones(shape=[gt_box_np.shape[0]], dtype=np.int32) - label_id_offset)
zero_indexed_groundtruth_classes, num_classes))
print('Done prepping data.')
[bg, class1]
. For 2 classes, the encoding vector will be[bg, class1, class2]
. – Gaines