I'm using implicit def to build a recursive HList
type, to match several kind of higher kinded types of HList
. I'm heavily inspired by this post.
This code is working perfectly :
sealed trait HList {
type Plus[L <: HList] <: HList
class HNil extends HList {
type Plus[L <: HList] = L
def ::[T](v: T) = HCons(v, this)
case class Appender[L1 <: HList, L2 <: HList, R <: HList](fn: (L1, L2) => R) {
def apply(l1: L1, l2: L2) = fn(l1, l2)
object HNil extends HNil
object HList {
def ++[L1 <: HList, L2 <: HList](l1: L1, l2: L2)(implicit f: Appender[L1, L2, L1#Plus[L2]]): L1#Plus[L2] = f(l1, l2)
implicit def nilAppender[L <: HList]: Appender[HNil, L, L] = Appender((v: HNil, l: L) => l)
implicit def consAppender[T, L1 <: HList, L2 <: HList, R <: HList](implicit f: Appender[L1, L2, R]): Appender[HCons[T, L1], L2, HCons[T, R]] = {
Appender[HCons[T, L1], L2, HCons[T, R]]((l1: HCons[T, L1], l2: L2) => HCons(l1.head, f(l1.tail, l2)))
case class HCons[T, U <: HList](head: T, tail: U) extends HList {
type Plus[L <: HList] = HCons[T, U#Plus[L]]
def ::[V](v: V) = HCons(v, this)
import HList._
val hlist1 = 2.0 :: "hi" :: HNil
val hlist2 = 1 :: HNil
val sum = ++(hlist1, hlist2)
println("last element : " : + sum.tail.tail.head) // prints last element : 1"
Now, I don't know why but if I try to add a ++
method on HCons
, which simply calls existing HList.++
method, this is NOT working :
case class HCons[T, U <: HList](head: T, tail: U) extends HList {
type Plus[L <: HList] = HCons[T, U#Plus[L]]
def ::[V](v: V) = HCons(v, this)
def ++[L2 <: HList](l2: L2) = HList.++(this,l2)
I get this compilation error:
could not find implicit value for parameter f: Appender[HCons[T,U],L2,HCons[T,U]#Plus[L2]]
As HCons
is a subtype of HList
, like the L1 type defined by HList.++, I was thinking it was OK.
I've tried this but that's not working better :
implicit def consAppender[T, L1 <: HList, L2 <: HList, L3, R <: HList](implicit f: Appender[L1, L2, R], ev: L3 <:< HCons[T, L1]): Appender[HCons[T, L1], L2, HCons[T, R]] = {
Appender[HCons[T, L1], L2, HCons[T, R]]((l1: L3, l2: L2) => HCons(l1.head, f(l1.tail, l2)))
What did I miss?
Thanks :)
: HList
in line three is a red flag.HList
is pretty much useless as a static type for anything. – Meehan