I am having trouble getting the results to show up in the Select2 using AJAX. Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function() {
placeholder: 'Select a product',
formatResult: productFormatResult,
formatSelection: productFormatSelection,
dropdownClass: 'bigdrop',
escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; },
ajax: {
url: 'http://foo.foo/listar.json',
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: function(term, page) {
return {
q: term
results: function(data, page) {
return {results:data};
function productFormatResult(product) {
var html = "<table class='product-resultado'><tr>";
if(product.img != undefined) {
html += "<td class='product-image'><img src='"+product.img+"'/></td>";
html += "<td class='product-info'>";
html += product.text + "<br />";
html += product.precio_costo + " CRC <br />";
html += "Existencias: " + product.existencias;
html += "</td></tr></table>";
return html;
function productFormatSelection(product) {
return product.text;
Using the Javascript Console, I see the request returns the expected JSON:
{ "text":"Foo Product", "img":"#", "precio_costo": 45, "existencias":0, "id":2 }
I believe the results: function(data, page) { ... }
is not being called, since I put an alert there and nothing happened.
It just hangs there waiting for results:
callbacks work? – Dusen