I have a collection (employees
) of employee that contain name
, id
, office
, and officeto
I need to printout this information in equally spaced columns. So i need to find the length of the longest string name, office, officeto...and add spaces to make the columns equally spaced.
I know how to do this using a recordset sending the field names into a function.
So my question is... Is it possible to refer to a class property (name, office, officeto) by using a variable (similar to rst! [fieldname]).
I tried setting it up like it was a recordset loop on a field, but it doesnt compile. The error is class.property not defined.
Public Function PropertyLen(ByVal Property As String, ByRef Employees As colEmployees) As Integer
'This function uses a passed in class property, and returns the len of the longest class property in collection
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
Dim Emp As clsEmployee
Dim intLen As Integer
Dim lngCount As Long
For lngCount = 1 To Employees.Count
Set Emp = Employees.Item(lngCount)
If Len(Trim(Emp.Property)) > intLen Then
intLen = Len(Trim(Emp.Property))
End If
Set Emp = Nothing
FieldLen = intLen
'clean up
Set Emp = Nothing
Exit Function
modErrorHandler.DisplayUnexpectedError Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume ExitFunc
End Function
properties, that return name of keys and item values in arrays respectively. – Jankowski