After Node.js will load the file (whole or just a part, depends on the size of the file itself) into the buffer (using the push() method) it will emit readable event
to indicate that some data has been read into the buffer and is ready to use. Then after you call read(10)
, you will free the buffer and then Node.js will fill the buffer automatically again and emit the readable event
again to indicate that there is still some data to read from the buffer. If you would call read(700)
, no next readable event
would be emitted again.
Flowing- and Non-Flowing Mode
Unlike when listening for a data event
the stream will stay in so-called non flowing mode. That means that the developer will be responsible for freeing the stream (reading from the stream). On the other hand when listening for a data event
the stream will autmatically enter the so-called flowing mode which means that the stream itself will be responsible for freeing itself, i.e stream will fill and empty itself till he underlying system (in this case the zero.txt
will be fully read). Note the buffer will be filled with data automatically in either mode.
Flowing mode
An example of the non-flowing mode, where we have to empty the buffer manually (using the read()
var fs = require('fs'),
util = require('util');
// I have increased the file size to 19 MB (about 19 mln characters);
// Cause of the buffer capicity.
var file = fs.createReadStream('./zeros.txt');
var dataSize = 0;
// Readable will be called when the buffer has been filled with data.
// Initially Node.js will fill the buffer with data automatically,
// so this event will be called automatically aswell of course.
// Once the buffer will be free again after the first fill, Node.js
// will fill the buffer automatically again. Node.js just watches this stream
// and makes sure to fill it, when there is still some unread data in the zero.txt file.
file.on('readable', function() {
var i = 0; // we will count how many times did while loop, for fun
// If the buffer will be empty Node will write data to the buffer
// automatically, we don't have to care about that. However
// you can specify the buffer capicty manually if you want.
console.log('loading more data from the underlying system');
// This will make the stream read 1000 bytes
// it will also return a value NULL if there is not enough
// data to read from the buffer (meaning buffer has been fully read
// or there is still some data but you are trying to read 1000 bytes
// and there is less than 1000 bytes left)
while( !== null) {
// At this moment while loop has read everything from the buffer.
// The buffer is now empty. After this comment console.log will execute
// Node.js will fill the buffer again with new data automatically.
// And then the 'readable' event will fire again.
console.log("had to loop: " + i + " times before the buffer was empty");
Last few results from the console:
loading more data from the underlying system
had to loop: 66 times before the buffer was empty
loading more data from the underlying system
had to loop: 65 times before the buffer was empty
loading more data from the underlying system
had to loop: 66 times before the buffer was empty
loading more data from the underlying system
had to loop: 46 times before the buffer was empty
loading more data from the underlying system
had to loop: 1 times before the buffer was empty
Non-Flowing mode
That was the non-flowing mode, since we had to free the buffer manually. Now we will proceed to the flowing mode. Setting a data event listener
on a Readable Stream
switches the stream to flowing mode
from the initial non-flowing mode
. That means that the buffer will be emptied automatically. Node.js will pass you the data as an argument in the data event listener
, and once that function executes buffer will empty again and if there is still some data in the underlying source buffer will automatically filled up with new data, and then the data event will be emitted again. NOTE: if you are listening for the data
event and the readable event
both will fire but the data event listener
will first empty the buffer and THEN the readable event
will fire so your read()
will always return NULL
var fs = require('fs'),
util = require('util');
var file = fs.createReadStream('./zeros.txt');
var dataSize = 0;
file.on('data', function() {
// Once this listener will stop executing new data will be read
// into the buffer and then the 'data' event will be emitted
// again.
console.log('data has been loaded and emptied!')
file.on('readable', function () {
// Notice we want to try to read 1 byte from the buffer
// but in the console we see that the read() method
// resulted in NULL, which means that the buffer is empty.
// That's of course because we enterd the flowing mode
// by setting up the 'data' event. (In flowing mode)
// after the execution of the 'data' event all data
// from the buffer will be read, but the execution
// of listeners will continue. After all the event listeners
// attached to this stream will execute, Node.js will fill
// the buffer automatically again.
console.log('readable ' +
Last few results from the console:
data has been loaded and emptied!
readable null
data has been loaded and emptied!
readable null
data has been loaded and emptied!
readable null
data has been loaded and emptied!
readable null
data has been loaded and emptied!
readable null