Please don't tell me this is the only way...
// dte is my wrapper; dte.Dte is EnvDte.DTE
var ctxs = dte.Dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.ActiveConfiguration
.Where(x => x.ShouldBuild == true);
var temp = new List<string>(); // output filenames
// oh shi
foreach (var ctx in ctxs)
// sorry, you'll have to OfType<Project>() on Projects (dte is my wrapper)
// find my Project from the build context based on its name. Vomit.
var project = dte.Projects.First(x => x.FullName.EndsWith(ctx.ProjectName));
// Combine the project's path (FullName == path???) with the
// OutputPath of the active configuration of that project
var dir = System.IO.Path.Combine(
// and combine it with the OutputFilename to get the assembly
// or skip this and grab all files in the output directory
var filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(
This makes me want to retch.