As others have suggested, your approach to releasing templates should make use of Development-Test-Acceptance-Production (DTAP) environments. The complexity of this set-up will depend on your specific requirements.
Using workflow for development work is more than likely unhelpful. A lot depends on where the different developers integrate their work. If you have multiple DEV environments, then each individual developer is unlikely to want workflow on their own system. Assuming you integrate on one of the DEV machines, or perhaps on TEST, you won't want workflow there either, as when a developer commits a change, it will mostly consist of multiple assets, each of which would have to go through workflow separately, with some parts of the change visible to others while this happened, and others not. If all your developers work on the same server, then these aspects of workflow will hurt even more.
Workflow is mostly useful for managing releases of single unrelated assets one at a time. Typical development work isn't like this, and frankly the amount of extra steps would be just overhead, and wouldn't remove the need for the normal development disciplines. As Quirijn notes, people don't do this. I too have never seen it, and I'm very happy to say that.