Straight forward question. How does one get the total number of rows in a spreadsheet with laravel-excel?
I now have a working counter of how many rows have been processed (in the CompanyImport
file), but I need the total number of rows before I start adding the rows to the database.
The sheet I'm importing is almost 1M rows, so I am trying to create a progress bar.
My import:
public function model(array $row)
# Counter
# Dont create or validate on empty rows
# Bad workaround
# TODO: better solution
if (!array_filter($row)) {
return null;
# Create company
$company = new Company;
$company->crn = $row['crn'];
$company->name = $row['name'];
$company->email = $row['email'];
$company->phone = $row['phone'];
$company->website = (!empty($row['website'])) ? Helper::addScheme($row['website']) : '';
# Everything empty.. delete address
if (!empty($row['country']) || !empty($row['state']) || !empty($row['postal']) || !empty($row['address']) || !empty($row['zip'])) {
# Create address
$address = new CompanyAddress;
$address->company_id = $company->id;
$address->country = $row['country'];
$address->state = $row['state'];
$address->postal = $row['postal'];
$address->address = $row['address'];
$address->zip = $row['zip'];
# Attach
# Update session counter
Session::put('importCurrentRow', $this->currentRow);
return $company;
My controller:
public function postImport(Import $request)
# Import
$import = new CompaniesImport;
# Todo
# Total number of rows in the sheet to session
Excel::import($import, $request->file('file')->getPathname());
return response()->json([
'success' => true