For the first time I'm creating Visual Studio Setup and Deploy
project in which points to a Windows Service
that will run on our VPS. Usually I use CMD to start/stop the service but was ideally looking for a more robust approach.
At the moment I'm seeing that I need to install an additional package (Visual Studio 2010 Shell Integrated)... In all honesty I'm not sure if it's really needed and if I can bypass the installation somehow. Most Windows Services will run on our VPS and will not be distributed to our clients.
Obviously I'd like to learn a new concept/method. Anyhow I suppose what I'm really asking is can any one help me understand why it's needed etc?
I've noticed there are a few older posts but as I'm using Visual Studio 2015, I'm sure the process will be different in some way. I have also looked through MSDN but not quite sure what I need to install.