I am trying to use @grpc/proto-loader to do dynamic code generation of the protobuf files to implement a simple server but in Typescript.
I've gotten as far as
import { Server, loadPackageDefinition, ServerCredentials } from "grpc";
import { loadSync } from "@grpc/proto-loader";
const packageDefinition = loadSync(__dirname + "/protos/ArtifactUpload.proto");
const protoDescriptor = loadPackageDefinition(packageDefinition);
const impl = {
const server = new Server();
server.addService(protoDescriptor.ArtifactUpload, impl);
server.bind('', ServerCredentials.createInsecure());
So I have two problems
- in the Javascript examples they use
however, there's noservice
property inprotoDescriptor.ArtifactUpload
- if I try to add implementation methods in
, the compiler also fails to compile.
Since the Javascript example works, I am thinking that questions along the line of add new property in Typescript object may be able to add the necessary service type. However, I haven't had luck so far.
My Protobuf is
syntax = "proto3";
service ArtifactUpload {
rpc SignedUrlPutObject (UploadRequest) returns (SignedUrlPutObjectResponse) {}
message UploadRequest {
string message = 1;
message SignedUrlPutObjectResponse {
string reply = 1;