I'm studying Rxjava2 and I'm trying to integrate the Room Library with Rxjava2. The problem is: I have a populated table and every time I login in the app, I need to delete this table and then insert a new content in database. Separately, the delete and insert works fine, but when I try to insert new values after I delete the table content, the delete method deletes all the new values.. (some parts of the code is in kotlin and others in java)
I already tried this: RxJava2 + Room: data is not being inserted in DB after clearAllTables() call, but no success..
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
fun insert(list:List<Something>)
@Query("DELETE FROM SomethingTable")
fun delete()
@Query("SELECT * FROM SomethingTable")
fun getAll(): Flowable<List<Something>>
My class that calls the DAO (CallDao)
fun insertInDB(list: List<Something>) {
Completable.fromAction {
fun clean() {
Completable.fromAction {
//search all
fun findAll(): Observable<List<Something>>? {
return Observable.create { subscriber ->
.subscribe {it->
Method that is called when I click in login button
private void clearAndInsertInDB() {
CallDao callDao= new CallDao(getActivity());
//delete all table values
Something sm = new Something("test1", "test2");
ArrayList<Something> list = new ArrayList<>();
//insert new values
//get all new values in DB
.subscribe(res -> {
//here gives me a IndexOutOfBoundsException
Log.d("logDebug", res.get(0).getCodeExemple());
Any corrections in my code is also welcome :) , but the main problem is that the delete method deletes all the new insert values and it should delete only the old values.