Please forgive my ignorance. All I'm trying to do is add a squared term to my regression without going through the trouble of defining a new column in my dataframe. I'm using statsmodels.formula.api (as stats) because the format is similar to R, which I am more familiar with.
hours_model = stats.ols(formula='act_hours ~ h_hours + C(month) + trend', data = df).fit()
The above works as expected.
hours_model = stats.ols(formula='act_hours ~ h_hours + h_hours**2 + C(month) + trend', data = df).fit()
This omits h_hours**2 and returns the same output as the line above.
I've also tried: h_hours^2, math.pow(h_hours,2), and poly(h_hours,2) All throw errors.
Any help would be appreciated.
values? If it's treated as categorical, then you need to convert to float or some other type that is treated by patsy as numeric. – Backstitch