In PostgreSQL 9.3, there are multiple ways to build an expression, which points to a json field's nested property:
json_extract_path_text(data, 'foo', 'bar')
Therefore PostgreSQL only use these indexes, if the query's expression is an exact match with the index's expression.
CREATE TABLE json_test_index1(data json);
CREATE TABLE json_test_index2(data json);
CREATE TABLE json_test_index3(data json);
CREATE INDEX ON json_test_index1((data->'foo'->>'bar'));
CREATE INDEX ON json_test_index2((data#>>'{foo,bar}'));
CREATE INDEX ON json_test_index3((json_extract_path_text(data, 'foo', 'bar')));
-- these queries use an index, while all other combinations not:
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM json_test_index1 WHERE data->'foo'->>'bar' = 'baz';
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM json_test_index2 WHERE data#>>'{foo,bar}' = 'baz';
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM json_test_index3 WHERE json_extract_path_text(data, 'foo', 'bar') = 'baz';
My questions are:
Is this behaviour intended? I thought the query optimizer should (at least) use the index with the #>>
operator, when the query contains the appropriate call of json_extract_path_text()
-- and vice versa.
If I want to use more of these expressions in my application (not just one, f.ex. stick to the ->
& ->>
operators), what indexes should I build? (I hope, not all of them.)
Are there any chance, that some future Postgres versions' optimizers will understand the equivalence of these expressions?
When i create an additional operator for that:
PROCEDURE = json_extract_path_text,
LEFTARG = json,
RIGHTARG = text[]
This query (table from the previous example) still not uses its index:
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM json_test_index3 WHERE data ===> '{foo,bar}' = 'baz';
Bonus question:
While Postgres expands the operators into function calls (behind the scenes), why this still not using its index?
operator should be able to make use of the index (similar to the current capabilities when indexing thehstore
data type). If you have "flat" key/value pairs that you need to index, currently your only option ishstore
(or wait for 9.4) – Bisterjsonb
fields will give a much more flexible index, it will come with a cost of performance. I need to query only a few properties inside the json object and specific properties' own indexes should be faster. I just wonder, if there are multiple ways to get a property, why i need to build an index for all of them, to make use of one (in every case). Or am i missing something? – Defroster