I know I can use callbacks but this should be feasible. I did lengthly searching and no result. This is what I thought would have worked.
def User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :documents
has_many :draft_docs , :class_name => 'Document', :conditions => { :status => 'draft' }
has_many :published_docs , :class_name => 'Document', :conditions => { :status => 'published' }
has_many :private_docs , :class_name => 'Document', :conditions => { :status => 'private' }
def Document < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user , :counter_cache => true
belongs_to :user , :inverse_of => :draft_docs , :counter_cache => true
belongs_to :user , :inverse_of => :published_docs, :counter_cache => true
belongs_to :user , :inverse_of => :private_docs , :counter_cache => true
Not working as planned, as you can see its updating documents_count instead of published_docs_count.
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :021 > User.reset_counters 2, :published_docs User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1
(0.7ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `documents` WHERE `documents`.`user_id` = 2 AND `documents`.`status` = 'published'
(2.2ms) UPDATE `users` SET `documents_count` = 233 WHERE `users`.`id` = 2
=> true