Calculating 2D Gaussian filter in Fragment Shader
Asked Answered



I would like to calculated the 2D Gaussian function and the input is X,Y texture UV coordinate and get the corresponding gaussian value.

I'm facing difficulties on how to get the corresponding Texel's uv gaussian value.

float Gaussian2D(float x, float y)
    float x_y_squared =  x * x + y * y;
    float stDevSquared = 2 *_2D_StandardDeviation * _2D_StandardDeviation;

    float div = x_y_squared / stDevSquared;

    float gauss = pow(E, -div);
    return gauss;

float Gaussian(int offset)
    float stDevSquared = _StandardDeviation * _StandardDeviation;
    float gauss = (1 / sqrt(2 * PI * stDevSquared)) * pow(E, -((offset * offset) / (2 * stDevSquared)));
    return gauss;

fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
                fixed source = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv).r;
                float g0 = Gaussian(0);
                float g1 = Gaussian(1);
                float g2 = Gaussian(2);
                float g3 = Gaussian(3);
                float g4 = Gaussian(4);
                float g5 = Gaussian(5);

                float omega = g0 + g1 + g2 + g3 + g4 + g5;
                float gauss = Gaussian2D(i.uv.x, i.uv.y);

                fixed prev_a = tex2D(_HistoryA, i.uv).r;
                fixed prev_b = tex2D(_HistoryB, i.uv).r;
                fixed prev_c = tex2D(_HistoryC, i.uv).r;
                fixed prev_d = tex2D(_HistoryD, i.uv).r;
                fixed prev_e = tex2D(_HistoryE, i.uv).r;

                fixed current = (gauss*source * g0 + gauss*prev_a * g1 + gauss*prev_b * g2 + gauss*prev_c * g3 + gauss*prev_d * g4 + gauss*prev_e * g5)/(omega);
                float diff = source - prev_a;

                if (diff <= _dataDelta)
                    return current;

                return source;

enter image description here

Update to the Amazing work by Spektre

   sampler2D _MainTex;
            sampler2D _HistoryA;
            sampler2D _HistoryB;
            sampler2D _HistoryC;
            sampler2D _HistoryD;
            float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
            float _dataDelta;
            float _blurRadius;
            float _stepsDelta;
            float _resolution;
            float4 _MainTex_ST;
            float _StandardDeviation;

            #define E 2.71828182846
            #define PI 3.14159265359

                v2f vert(appdata v) {
                  v2f o;
                  o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
                  o.uv = v.uv;
                  return o;

                float Gaussian(int  offset)
                    float stDevSquared = _StandardDeviation * _StandardDeviation;
                    float gauss = (1 / sqrt(2 * PI * stDevSquared)) * pow(E, -((offset * offset) / (2 * stDevSquared)));
                    return gauss;
                float blur2d_horizontal(sampler2D tex, v2f i, float hstep, float vstep) {
                  float2 uv = i.uv;
                  float sum = 0;
                  float2 tc = uv;

                  //blur radius in pixels
                  float blur = _blurRadius / _resolution / 4;

                  sum += tex2D(tex, float2(tc.x - 4.0 * blur * hstep, tc.y - 4.0 * blur * vstep)).r * 0.0162162162;
                  sum += tex2D(tex, float2(tc.x - 3.0 * blur * hstep, tc.y - 3.0 * blur * vstep)).r * 0.0540540541;
                  sum += tex2D(tex, float2(tc.x - 2.0 * blur * hstep, tc.y - 2.0 * blur * vstep)).r * 0.1216216216;
                  sum += tex2D(tex, float2(tc.x - 1.0 * blur * hstep, tc.y - 1.0 * blur * vstep)).r * 0.1945945946;

                  sum += tex2D(tex, float2(tc.x, tc.y)).r * 0.2270270270;

                  sum += tex2D(tex, float2(tc.x + 1.0 * blur * hstep, tc.y + 1.0 * blur * vstep)).r * 0.1945945946;
                  sum += tex2D(tex, float2(tc.x + 2.0 * blur * hstep, tc.y + 2.0 * blur * vstep)).r * 0.1216216216;
                  sum += tex2D(tex, float2(tc.x + 3.0 * blur * hstep, tc.y + 3.0 * blur * vstep)).r * 0.0540540541;
                  sum += tex2D(tex, float2(tc.x + 4.0 * blur * hstep, tc.y + 4.0 * blur * vstep)).r * 0.0162162162;
                  return sum;
                fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target {

                const int m = 5;
                float d = 5.0;
                float z[m];
                float gauss_curve[m];
                float zed;
                _resolution = 900;
                  z[0] = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv).r;// oldest 2 frames

                  z[1] = tex2D(_HistoryA, i.uv).r;
                  if (abs(z[0] - z[1]) < _dataDelta) // threshold depth change
                   // z[0] = 0.0;
                    // 2D spatial gauss blur of z0
                    z[0] = blur2d_horizontal(_MainTex, i, _stepsDelta, _stepsDelta);
                    // fetch depths from up to m frames
                    z[2] = tex2D(_HistoryB, i.uv).r;

                    z[3] = tex2D(_HistoryC, i.uv).r;

                    z[4] = tex2D(_HistoryD, i.uv).r;
                    zed = 0.0;

                    gauss_curve[0] = Gaussian(0);
                    gauss_curve[1] = Gaussian(1);
                    gauss_curve[2] = Gaussian(2);
                    gauss_curve[3] = Gaussian(3);
                    gauss_curve[4] = Gaussian(4);

                    float sum = 0.0;
                    // 1D temporal gauss blur
                    for (int idx = 1; idx <= m; idx++)
                        zed += gauss_curve[idx - 1] * z[idx - 1];

                     zed = z[0];

                  return fixed4(zed, zed, zed, 0.0);
Transonic answered 26/11, 2020 at 15:59 Comment(10)
see 2D GLSL Gaussian blur it might help however your code does not look like native GLSL shader ... If it is unity related I can not help as I do not code for unity ...Aftercare
@Aftercare You can do it in whatever the GLSL I know you are expert in it. But Can you please show how the hell that equation in the paper can be implemented even in pseudo code ?Transonic
@Aftercare You can even test it on a web cam video texture or anything else that has temporal & spatial noiseTransonic
@Aftercare I'm stuck in this for 20 days and have no results at allTransonic
The linked answer of mine does exactly that ... w=w0*exp((-xx-yy)/(2.0*rr)); ... if I cross check with your code x_y_squared i sthe same as mine xx+yy and stDevSquared is mine (2.0*rr) ... however I have a slight deliberate difference in constants for slower 2D approach pow(r,1.975); instead of r*r to compensate for rounding errors ... I do not understand the logic behind your convolution texel fetch _HistoryA,i.uv ??? that looks to me like you are probing the same texel position instead of neighbors up to r distance. But as I do not recognize the code I might be wrongAftercare
The fast 2 pass 2x 1D approach is similar (just one axis so different constants) however ouput is not that precise as it has square kernel instead of circularAftercare
Let us continue this discussion in chat.Transonic
@Aftercare can you show a pseudo code please :)? Many thanks, after a discussion he is the only member in stackoverflow that did understand the paper :) Many thanks againTransonic
not right away need to work first ... afternoon will look on it however meanwhile could you prepare some depth frames for me (jpg,png,pmp or ascii) I would need to test on something ...Aftercare
@Aftercare here is one rgbd-dataset.cs.washington.eduTransonic

OK I think I managed to do this... well +/- as the equation:


Is just symbolical simplification (common in CV/DIP) not complete equation not uniquely determined... So its interpretation (and implementation) is not clear from it... However I managed to combine the missing stuff into something like this (GLSL):

// Vertex
#version 420 core
layout(location=0) in vec4 vertex;
out vec2 pos;   // screen position <-1,+1>
void main()
// Fragment
#version 420 core
in vec2 pos;                    // screen position <-1,+1>
out vec4 gl_FragColor;          // fragment output color
uniform sampler2D txr_rgb;
uniform sampler2D txr_zed0;
uniform sampler2D txr_zed1;
uniform sampler2D txr_zed2;
uniform sampler2D txr_zed3;
uniform sampler2D txr_zed4;
uniform float xs,ys;            // texture resolution
uniform float r;                // blur radius
float G(float t)
    return 0.0;
void main()
    vec2 p;
    vec4 rgb;
    const int m=5;
    const float Th=0.0015;
    float z[m],zed;

    p=0.5*(pos+1.0);                    // p = pos position in texture
    rgb=texture2D(txr_rgb ,p);          // rgb color (just for view)
    z[0]=texture2D(txr_zed0,p).r;       // oldest 2 frames

    if (abs(z[0]-z[1])>Th)              // threshold depth change
        int i;
        float x,y,xx,yy,rr,dx,dy,w,w0;
        // 2D spatial gauss blur of z0
        for (dx=1.0/xs,x=-r,p.x=0.5+(pos.x*0.5)+(x*dx);x<=r;x++,p.x+=dx){ xx=x*x;
         for (dy=1.0/ys,y=-r,p.y=0.5+(pos.y*0.5)+(y*dy);y<=r;y++,p.y+=dy){ yy=y*y;
          if (xx+yy<=rr)
        // fetch depths from up to m frames
        // 1D temporal gauss blur
        for (zed=0.0,i=1;i<=m;i++) zed+=exp(0.5*float(i*i)/float(m*m))*z[i-1];
    else zed=z[0];
    zed*=20.0;                          // debug view: emphasize depth so its color is visible
//  gl_FragColor=rgb;                   // debug view: render RGB texture
    gl_FragColor=vec4(zed,zed,zed,0.0); // render resulting depth texture

I used this dataset for testing However the depth resolution is not very good...

Using garlic_7_1 dataset I got this result (emphasized depth):

depth preview

The temporal depth is m (hard coded) and spatial is r (uniform). The last m frames are passed in txr_zed0...txr_zed(m-1) where txr_zed0 is the oldest one. The threshold Th must be chosen so the algo select correct regions!!!

In order this to work properly You should replace txr_zed0 after applying this shader by its result (on CPU side or render to texture and then swap ids ...). Otherwise the spatial Gauss blurring will not be applied to older frames.


Here the preview (outputting red inside the if instead of blurring) for Th=0.01;


As you can see it selects the edges ... So the change (just for chosing Th) is:

// Fragment
#version 420 core
in vec2 pos;                    // screen position <-1,+1>
out vec4 gl_FragColor;          // fragment output color
uniform sampler2D txr_rgb;
uniform sampler2D txr_zed0;
uniform sampler2D txr_zed1;
uniform sampler2D txr_zed2;
uniform sampler2D txr_zed3;
uniform sampler2D txr_zed4;
uniform float xs,ys;            // texture resolution
uniform float r;                // blur radius
float G(float t)
    return 0.0;
void main()
    vec2 p;
    vec4 rgb;
    const int m=5;
//  const float Th=0.0015;
    const float Th=0.01;
    float z[m],zed;

    p=0.5*(pos+1.0);                    // p = pos position in texture
    rgb=texture2D(txr_rgb ,p);          // rgb color (just for view)
    z[0]=texture2D(txr_zed0,p).r;       // oldest 2 frames

    if (abs(z[0]-z[1])>Th)              // threshold depth change
        gl_FragColor=vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);     // debug output

        int i;
        float x,y,xx,yy,rr,dx,dy,w,w0;
        // 2D spatial gauss blur of z0
        for (dx=1.0/xs,x=-r,p.x=0.5+(pos.x*0.5)+(x*dx);x<=r;x++,p.x+=dx){ xx=x*x;
         for (dy=1.0/ys,y=-r,p.y=0.5+(pos.y*0.5)+(y*dy);y<=r;y++,p.y+=dy){ yy=y*y;
          if (xx+yy<=rr)
        // fetch depths from up to m frames
        // 1D temporal gauss blur
        for (zed=0.0,i=1;i<=m;i++) zed+=exp(w0*float(i*i))*z[i-1];
    else zed=z[0];
    zed*=40.0;                          // debug view: emphasize depth so its color is visible
//  gl_FragColor=rgb;                   // debug view: render RGB texture
    gl_FragColor=vec4(zed,zed,zed,0.0); // render resulting depth texture
Aftercare answered 27/11, 2020 at 16:56 Comment(25)
What is in vec2 pos; // screen position <-1,+1> I get actually input as texture coordinate i.uvTransonic
loop does not appear to terminate in a timely manner (1024 iterations) at line 81 (on d3d11)Transonic
The texture resolution I use is 1k by 720 its too much for that loop to be unrolledTransonic
@AhmedSaleh 1. pos is the vertex (I render single QUAD covering the screen) so its the pixel/fragment position in range <-1,+1> ... texture range is <0,1> hence the conversion p=0.5*(pos+1.0); 2. the loops are going only +/- r form current position so may be your r is too high or unset I am using r=5 pixels.Aftercare
I found that the 2D Spatial blur only applied when the threshold is negative < 0Transonic
otherwise the filter is not active and it doesn't do anythingTransonic
@AhmedSaleh both blurs are applied only if fabs difference between last two frames is bigger than threshold ... so you need to tweak the Th value to match your data (it depends on the dynamic range of depth ...)Aftercare
Thanks so much <3, here is the tech specs of the camera,… Which threshold should I choose ?Transonic
@AhmedSaleh I chosed the Th on the run simply by outputting red color inside the if instead of filtering and tweaking the Th until the output was with red areas near depth changes (edges of mesh). If Th is too small no Red is outputed, if Th is too big too much Red is outputted. The Th depends on the image (not just camera) I think ideally depth should be linear and the Th should be few depth steps big (not just 1) so only steeper changes are detected by it.Aftercare
@AhmedSaleh the info sheet says depth range: 0.10 m to 15 m but not how the depth is returned ... float, int, how many bits ... There is only accuracy at 2 distances but that is most likely just accuracy of the measurement and not depth granularity. Also is not know if it is linear or logarithmical ...So chose Th for some object and then move it further away if the Th is not good anymore you got non liear depth and need to linearize it firstAftercare
I faced a problem in that line using HLSL instead of GLSL zed+=exp(0.5*float(i*i)/float(m*m))*z[i-1]; zed/=2.506628274631000502415765284811*float(m); I have updated the post, would you please take few mins review the shader code and tell me is it consistent with your idea ?Transonic
@AhmedSaleh what problem? and btw your blur2d_horizontal is just 1D blur not 2D so the properties of the filter might not be the same.Aftercare
It doesn't do anything, when I remove it, and render output, the output is rendered, but when I add it, there is no output on the screen at allTransonic
@AhmedSaleh I do not use HLSL but that sounds like you got syntax error in there which prohibits the compilation or linkage of shader hence no output. What is in the shader logs?Aftercare
Let us continue this discussion in chat.Transonic
I have uploaded both depth and image rgb for you
got it ... will try it tomorrowAftercare
Did you try it ?Transonic
@AhmedSaleh yes slightly,... the data is not calibrated between rgb and depth , and not very smooth and the image holds planar object which will not be ideal for the smoothing. Anyway this Th=0.01; thresholds looks OK for that distance to cameraAftercare
is there a modification to the original shader ?Transonic
@AhmedSaleh not really I posted it ... so with this you chose Th until it selects the problematic areas (which your data does not have so I still cant test properly) and then rem out the red color and returnAftercare
can you come to the chatTransonic
Hello My hero, Can you join the chat ? I really need your help in something :)Transonic
Hello Spektre, Can you join the chat ? I'm Ahmed If You remember me, Egyptian in Austria

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