Background. My org uses Maven, Bamboo and Artifactory to support a continuous integration process. We rely on Maven's SNAPSHOT qualifier to help manage storage in Artifactory (rotate out old SNAPSHOT builds) and also to help keep cross-team integrations current (Maven checks for updates to SNAPSHOT dependencies automatically on each build).
Problem. One of the challenges we're having is around correctly promoting builds from environment to environment while continuing to use SNAPSHOT. Say that a tester deploys version 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT to a functional test environment, and it's at rev 1400 in Subversion. Let's say also that it passes functional test. By the time a tester decides to pull 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT from Artifactory into the performance testing environment, a developer could have committed a change to Subversion, so the actual binary in Artifactory is at a different rev. How do we ensure that the rev doesn't change out from under us when using SNAPSHOT builds?
Constraints. We obviously don't want to deploy different builds unknowingly. We also don't want to rebuild from source as we want to test the exact binary in performance test that we tested in functional test.
Approaches we've considered. The thought is that we want to stamp the versions with a fourth component, like, where the fourth component is a Subversion rev. (As a side question, is there a Maven plugin or something else that does that automatically?) But if we do that, then essentially we lose the SNAPSHOT feature since Maven and Artifactory think that these are different versions.
We are using Scrum, so we deploy to the test environments very early (like day two or so). I don't think it makes sense to remove the SNAPSHOT qualifier that early in the dev cycle because we lose the SNAPSHOT benefits again.
Would appreciate knowing how other orgs solve this issue.