I entirely agree with jherran that you are not rounding the number, you are truncating it. I would go on to say that scale is probably just not behaving at all the way you want it, possibly in a way that noone would want it to behave.
> x="5+50*3/20 + (19*2)/7"
> echo "$x" | bc -l
> echo "scale = 3; $x" | bc -l
Furthermore, because of the behaviour of scale, you are rounding each multiplication/division separately from the additions. Let me prove my point with some examples :
> echo "scale=0; 5/2" | bc -l
> echo "scale=0; 5/2 + 7/2" | bc -l
> echo "5/2 + 7/2" | bc -l
However scale without any operation doesn't work either. There is an ugly work-around :
> echo "scale=0; 5.5" | bc -l
> echo "scale=0; 5.5/1" | bc -l
So tow things come out of this.
If you want to use bc's scale, do it only for the final result already computed, and even then, beware.
Remember that rounding is the same as truncating a number + half of the desired precision.
Let us take the example of rounding to the nearest integer, if you add .5 to a number that should be rounded up, its integer part will take the next integer value and truncation will give the desired result. If that number should have been rounded down, then adding .5 will not change its integer value and truncation will yield the same result as when nothing was added.
Thus my solution follows :
> y=$(echo "$x" | bc -l)
> echo "scale=3; ($y+0.0005)/1" | bc -l # scale doesn't apply to the +, so we get the expected result
Again, note that the following doesn't work (as explained above), thus breaking it up in two operations is really needed :
> echo "scale=3; ($x+0.0005)/1" | bc -l