I am trying to set the background color on rows when the mouse is hovering them, I tried a few approaches, one with styled components, styling the table itself:
const StyledTable = styled((props) => <Table {...props} />)`
& tbody > tr:hover {
background: rgba(224, 248, 232, 1);
This almost works, when I hover over a row, first I see the color that I have set, and immediatelly after that it changes back to the default, so its transitioning between my light green and the default antd color. I can't even find their color when I inspect the rows in the stylings.
The second way that I tried is with normal css and a class name:
Where the css for the class is:
.custom-row-hover:hover {
background-color: rgba(224, 248, 232, 1);
And the result is the same, again, first my color and then transitions to the default one.
to see the styles being applied, when it depends ontr:hover
? – Zosima