I'm trying to use Feign and Eureka to forward a post request from server A to server B. Both servers are discrovered sucessfully by Eureka.
This works:
public interface MyFeignClient {
@RequestMapping(value = "test", = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "application/json")
ResponseEntity<String> theActualMethod(
HttpServletRequest request,
@RequestHeader("firstHeader") String header1,
@RequestHeader("secondHeader") byte[] header2);
However, when I change the second argument to @RequestBody in order to read the POST request content, I get an exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method has too many Body parameters: public abstract org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity MyFeignClient.theActualMethod(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,java.lang.String,byte[])
from@Param("foo") String foo
in my interface methods because I mistakenly thought they were redundant :/ – Bespangle