I did enough research and failed to find a conclusive answer(version 1.12.7).
My local server is making a get call to https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/12345.json
when I see this packet in wireshark
I see the destination URL
as hacker-news.firebaseio.com
. My ask is simple
1) how can I see the entire URI including /v0/item/12345.json
2) Why are somany dots in the following TCP stream and what does this TCP stream actually trying to say with jabbered English letters.
.......3t......5...1..W:....".q.........m....r.>?t w..............#.................0...0..|.......%e.x.#s.0
Google Inc1%0#..U....Google Internet Authority G20..
Mountain View1.0...U.
<..+......y.]..`.{V ..q..z"P<T.,<.}..
..........._j.B.*F.\.0 gJa.E..........V).-z...][email protected]!n......<......`...........>....:Q
And description
244 19.329480000 sapy hacker-news.firebaseio.com TCP 435 47965→https [PSH, ACK] Seq=471 Ack=3948 Win=40576 Len=369 TSval=20106775 TSecr=4020547278 hacker-news.firebaseio.com 244