I'm trying to test cherrypy framework by using example from their site:
import cherrypy
class HelloWorld(object):
def index(self):
return "Hello World!"
index.exposed = True
When I run it I get this response in the console:
[05/Dec/2011:00:15:11] ENGINE Listening for SIGHUP.
[05/Dec/2011:00:15:11] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM.
[05/Dec/2011:00:15:11] ENGINE Listening for SIGUSR1.
[05/Dec/2011:00:15:11] ENGINE Bus STARTING
CherryPy Checker:
The Application mounted at '' has an empty config.
[05/Dec/2011:00:15:11] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
[05/Dec/2011:00:15:11] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
[05/Dec/2011:00:15:12] ENGINE Serving on
[05/Dec/2011:00:15:12] ENGINE Bus STARTED
When running browser locally and pointig to localhost:8080 it works but to the outside world when using serverip:8080 it doesn't. Do I have to set server's ip address somewhere?