I am using the typescript compiler to bundle my modules into one main.js file, using these settings in tsconfig.json:
"module": "system",
"out": "docs/js/main.js"
This works, so according to the SystemJS documentation, I only have to include the SystemJS production file and kickstart the app with these tags in my HTML:
<script src="js/system.js"></script>
My app:
import { Message } from "./message";
export class App {
constructor() {
let demomessage = new Message("hello");
export class Message {
constructor(str:string) {
This results in this javascript code in main.js:
System.register("message", ...) {
// message code here
System.register("app", ...) {
// app code here
The part that I'm missing (and that's also not explained in Microsoft's always-lacking-Typescript-documentation) is how to actually start the app... How does SystemJS know which class is the starting point? Even if I just put console.log in my app it doesn't execute....
I discovered that using system.js instead of system-production.js at least starts the process. After a lot of fiddling I got my app to start with the following code, but it looks weird and ugly. Is this how it's supposed to work???
<script src="js/system.js"></script>
// get the anonymous scope
.then(function() {
// now we can get to the app and make a new instance
let app = new m.App();
is a bundle containing several modules, in other words, it has severalSystem.register()
calls. I'd guess all the tutorials assume it's a single module, maybe built with rollup, or just unbundled and loading all other modules separately. – Dihedral